Sunday, June 24, 2012

A 365 Project

I was chatting with a friend of mine and her teenage daughter a few years ago.  Her daughter made reference to her "365 project", but did not elaborate on exactly what it was. I didn't want to feel stupid, so I didn't ask for clarification.  Instead, I came home and Googled it :-)  It was then that I found out a 365 project means you take one photo a day for year. I was intrigued. People do this for many different reasons, among them to document their life one day at a time, others to hone their photography skills.  There were a ton of websites on which one could post these photos and share them with an online community of like-minded people.

Fast-forward to December of 2009.  I decided to take the plunge and join a 365 community.  I settled on  This particular community was smaller than most, so I got to know people on the site.  The overall atmosphere was extremely positive and everyone was always willing to help out a fellow photographer with questions, with inspiration and motivation, ideas for photos, and feedback on what was posted.  The site was full of photographers from all walks of life, some professionals, some semi-pros, some hobbyists, and novices.  There was no pressure to post everyday, so if I needed to take time away from the project, that's what I did.  I drug some friends along with me on the project; one of which started her own website after her project (  Check out her great work!

I completed the project in December of 2010, even though I occasionally skipped a day ... or two or three.  What did I learn from the project?  I learned more about digital photography equipment (as I shot film up until 2008).  I learned some helpful Photoshop tips and tricks.  I learned that there are fantastic photographers out there that are more than willing to share their knowledge and to lift you up when you're feeling less-than-adequate.  I definitely improved my photography skills overall.  And I made some internet friends that I have had a really great time with, and am still in contact with even after finishing my project.  One of these friends, Autumn Eden ( helped me get my website set up.  Check out her site - her work is awesome! 

I'm finishing up teaching a beginner photography class for a local park district.  I told my class about the 365 project and I'm hoping they decide to give it a try.  It seems like a big task to undertake, but it's really not so bad.  And the benefits far outweigh any problem you might have with the commitment!

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