Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's a Small World Afterall

"Horse Hair"
I have a friend out there in the internet world that calls me a "Macro-maniac".  I think I like that title.  An official definition of "Macro Photography" is a photo that has a 1:1 magnification or more ratio.  Anything else is considered "Close-Up Photography", something which I also enjoy.

Macro lenses can be purchased for DSLR cameras, some at a better price than others.  I shoot with a Tamron 90mm which cost me about $500 a few years back.  It has done a great job for me and we've taken some beautiful photos together, but I would love some better glass in the form of the Canon 100mm.  Don't get me wrong - I would still recommend the Tamron for anyone who is on a budget (like me).  However, my Tamron is starting to wear out, as the focusing ring  isn't staying put, and it lacks the image stabilization offered by the Canon (I hate using a tripod).  I'll just need to sell a lot more photos before I can get to that Canon.  In the mean time, me and my Tamron will just keep chugging along.

For me, the real beauty in this world is something that we don't always see.  We have to look closer for it.  I'm still always surprised by what I find when I look through my macro lens.  So if you love to take photos, I recommend you slow down, crawl around on your hands and knees for a while and see what you might have missed by walking.  It's worth it!

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