Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Creepy Crawlies

Beautiful Disaster
I hate spiders.  But I have to say, their webs are a piece of artwork.  I live in the country, and the roadsides don't get mowed short very often.  This leaves plenty of opportunity for the grass to grow long and the spiders to build their homes. 

Foggy mornings when the sun just begins to burn through is one of the best lighting situations for photography.  One morning while driving down a back road near my house, on one of those sunny/foggy mornings, I noticed the spider webs on the roadside caught up in the tall grass.  Not one web, but hundreds!  The dew was thick, the lighting was a sensational golden color, and it reminded me of tiny fireworks blasting up from the ground.  I promptly pulled over, grabbed my camera (with my longest lens at the time) and started shooting. 

My Spidy Senses
So for Throwback Thursday this week, I'm sharing two of the photos I took that morning:  Beautiful Disaster and My Spidy Senses. Even though I got the heebie jeebies and felt like spiders were crawling on me when I was there, I figured out I would do it all over again. 

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