Sunday, January 13, 2013


The Google definition of collaboration is "the action of working with someone to produce or create something."

As a photographer, I've found myself in collaboration with many people in all walks of life.  My favorite collaborative effort this past year has been with a dear friend from my past.  Duane Phillips contacted me about a book he wanted to write.  The book is about his walk with God throughout his lifetime, from the moment he questioned his faith, to the moment he understood exactly what our Savior is.  It is presented beautifully, as poetry, and Duane shares emotionally raw moments in this book.  His heart is definitely exposed in this piece of work.

Duane has been supportive of my photography since I started.  He felt that many of my photos tell a story and he wanted those photos to be included in his book.  I'm happy to share my work with him.  I will take any chance I have to honor God, and Duane's story does just that.  Hopefully anyone reading this will take a moment and look for Duane's book on Amazon. It's called "Learning the Truth".

Thank you to all of you for supporting Yellow Lily Photography.  I hope you'll support those I collaborate with, also.  And never forget to thank God for all of what He puts in your life.

Much love to you all!

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